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Shockwave Treatment For ED: An Honest Experience

shockwave therapy for ed

An honest experience relayed by a HE Clinic customer in 3 parts.

Part 1: Shockwave and the First Session

Shockwave treatment for ED – It’s easy to joke that “life starts at 50”, but when it came to my sex life, nature seemed to be doing all the laughing after my golden anniversary.

I had enjoyed a vigorous sex life throughout my 40s, enjoying both longevity and stamina between the sheets. But the decline after 50 came surprisingly quickly. Whereas at age 39 I had no trouble keeping up with my much-younger girlfriend’s demands for several rounds a day, I now found myself out of gas after two rounds and, occasionally, even one.

Like many men, I turned to medicinal solutions to compensate, but the side effects – headaches and heartburn – often left me regretting the pill-popping. And, as 50 turned to 52 then 54, those little blue, yellow and red pills seemed less and less worth the tradeoffs.

Clearly, something needed to be done. Not only for me but for men who – for health reasons like high blood pressure or heart disease – can’t take ED drugs.

Enter the HE Clinic for Men’s “Shockwave for ED” treatment. Suddenly, there was a quick, easy, painless and inexpensive way to reverse my worsening erectile dysfunction problem without medication or surgery. Sign me up!

“Shockwave” is the HE Clinic’s name for Linear Shock Wave Therapy. It uses low-intensity ultrasound waves to get more blood flowing to your sexual organ for improved erection capabilities and performance. And the improvements are almost instantaneous.

While I had read the HE Clinic’s website and spoken with friends, I still was a bit nervous going to the Thonglor office, both because of not knowing what to expect and from letting a male doctor manhandle my manhood. The butterflies turned out to be for nothing, however, as the HE Clinic’s welcoming staff, discrete environment and the professionalism of Dr Chayut Fungtongjararoen put me at ease within minutes.

I was shown to a treatment room with a private changing room where I was instructed to wash the entire focus area with antiseptic soap. I dried with a plush towel and slipped on a warm robe that I wore during the procedure.

Treatment began with Dr Chayut placing the ultrasonic probe the first of four locations on the penis and crura. Specifically, the Shockwave device is aimed at the left and right corpus cavernosum and left and right crus running up each side of the penis.

Dr Chayut explained that, as we age, the inside of the walls of the corpus and crus can swell with plaque, squeezing the blood capillaries that engorge the penis when stimulated. As the plaque – the same stuff that clogs arteries leading to heart disease – builds up, erectile dysfunction increases until, eventually, an erection is impossible.

The sound shockwaves break up the plaque in the wall between the bloodstream and skin and the microscopic pieces are absorbed and eventually expelled by the body.

It all sounded good to me. My ED was not nearly at the stage of my father – who at 77 is unable to achieve an erection even with blue pills – but my “little brother” increasingly was unable to get fully into the game, especially after a night out on the town.

Now in its second major generation, shockwave therapy devices can now generate five times the amount of ultrasonic pulses – 600 a minute – then the first-generation gear of 2011. In one eight-minute application, the probe will put out 5,000 pulses. Each session consists of four applications covering about 70 millimetres, each running just over eight minutes each.

Four to six sessions are recommended, with a minimum of two days between those sessions required. I would be doing five – the average – although some men do six or seven.

The process is noisy, but not painful. Once Dr Chayut began, the machine started making a loud tapping sound. At times I could feel the knocking – even reverberating in my head – but none of it was ever painful.

The good doctor kept my mind occupied as to be positioned both the ultrasonic probe and my own anatomy and my modesty soon abated. Well-educated, experienced and with good English, he made the 35 minutes pass quickly.

Dr. Chayut advised me that some men, the next morning, feel some tingling, but no pain or bruising. Indeed, that night and the next day, there was no adverse effect or feeling, even during urination, as I thought could be possible.

He also warned me not to expect miracles overnight. Yes, some men get an instant uptick in erectile function, but it usually takes two or three sessions to feel an improvement.

Sure enough, the next morning dawned and I was not Superman.

While my ED problem was pronounced during sexual stimulation or activity, I almost always still had “morning wood”. The first morning after my first Shockwave was no different. However, my scrotum felt different, kind of “full”. Dr Chayut explained later that was the additional blood flow that had been restored.

Three days later, I would see big changes…


new shockwave treatment for ed


Part 2: Shockwave Treatment for ED – The Middle Sessions & Big Changes

After my first HE Clinic for Men “Shockwave for ED” session, I was eager to return to the Thonglor office for Round 2 of Linear Shock Wave Therapy. I was hoping for “big” things afterwards. I would not be disappointed.

On this second day – a Sunday – Dr Chayut Fungtongjararoen, who performed the first procedure, was off and the treatment was handled by a female nurse. My nerves from the first day returned. What if I got an erection as she handled me? Well, I was there, after all, because I was not getting erections easily, so I shouldn’t have worried.

Again, I began by disrobing and washing in a private changing room and then putting on a robe before lying down on the table. The experienced nurse – who has worked there since the HE Clinic first opened – expertly placed the Shockwave ultrasonic probe on each side of the left and right corpus cavernosum and crus during the 35-minute procedure.

Again, there was no pain or discomfort and, with less conversation than with Dr Chayut – I found myself almost nodding off to sleep by the end of the session.

The process would be the same for the next two treatment sessions over the next four days. But what I experienced that next morning was anything but the same.

As I wrote in Part 1, even as my bedroom abilities declined as I aged, my erectile dysfunction was not severe. The most obvious indication of that was the “morning wood” or waking each day with an erection. The penis was almost always engorged, although not completely and not for long.

So the morning after Shockwave Round 2 was quite the shock.

I woke up like a 25-year-old. My “little brother” was wide awake and standing at attention like he was about to sing the national anthem. And it lasted.

“Ok, already. I’m awake. Go down,” I said to my little bro, a bit astounded.

Clearly, HE Clinic for Men’s Shockwave for ED therapy was working.

It was a Monday, so there would be no “test driving” my Shockwaved member this day, but now I was eagerly counting down to nights later this week, after another round or two of therapy, and a night out on the town.

Tuesday evening, I returned to the HE Clinic’s Thonglor office and met Dr Chayut, reporting my positive gains from the therapy. He began the next session and turned it over to his nurse about half-way through. It had been a busy workday and this time I did nod off for a little snooze despite the probe’s incessant tapping sound.

If I thought I was 25 on Monday morning, on Wednesday morning I must have been 18. Morning “wood” had given way to morning concrete.

While I didn’t get home from work that night until nearly 9 p.m., there was no way I was not going to take my supercharged pal out for a test drive. So, it was off for some drinks and the clubs to see what my “little brother’s” reaction would be.

Now, all guys like a good show. But in the last couple of years, my head would totally be into the dance moves and gyrations you might see in a Bangkok club, but there wasn’t much interest below the belt. That would not be the case tonight.

It took only a glance or two to feel stirring where there had been no stirring for quite a while. Sure, physical stimulation always got a reaction, but visual stimulation rarely did any more. That was no longer the case. I toasted Shockwave therapy a few times in celebration.

By Shockwave Round 4, the results were now in. Things were looking up – very up – across the board. And I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Date Night came Friday, and my longtime partner became a fan of the HE Clinic after she experienced herself the positive results of the Shockwave for ED treatment.

Friday was a good test, as we’d been out partying and drinking. Until a week before, I’d usually pop a little pill before going out to be sure I’d be ready when the bell rang. Tonight, I intentionally didn’t dose up. And when the time came, I was up to the task.

No, it wasn’t as if I were an 18-year-old again. But the erection was there. Perhaps not 100% after a few beverages, but more than enough for both of us to enjoy the experience. Pre-Shockwave it would been lights out early.

There was still one more treatment to do, with an option to do more. Would there be more improvement? Or had I topped out? I was eager to find out…


Part 3: A Month Later

Drugs fade, sound waves don’t.

A month after undergoing Linear Shock Wave Therapy at the HE Clinic for Men, that’s been what I’ve discovered. Blue pills give you a few hours. Yellow and pink ones a day. Shockwave gives day after day.

To recap, I first visited the HE Clinic with a relatively mild form of Erectile Dysfunction. Now in my 50s, I’d still wake up with some “morning wood”, but by the time the evening rolled around, I increasingly wasn’t ready for action when the action started, especially after a few adult beverages.

After two, 40-minute Shockwave sessions, that started to change. By the end of my five-course regimen, I couldn’t wait to take my refuelled rocket out for a spin.

  1. The results were dramatic as they were quick. Visual stimulation excited not only my brain but my “little brother” again. I found I could actually manage without any sort of pharmaceutical enhancements for the first time in ages. I wasn’t 25 again, but I certainly wasn’t 55 anymore. Shockwave sent my sex life back years in time.

For the uninitiated, “Shockwave” is the HE Clinic’s name for Linear Shock Wave Therapy. It uses low-intensity ultrasound waves to get more blood flowing to your sexual organ for improved erection capabilities and performance.

Treatment begins with HE’s Dr Chayut Fungtongjararoen placing an ultrasonic probe on four locations on the penis and crura. Ultrasonic sound waves painlessly break up plaque in the walls between the bloodstream and skin and the microscopic pieces are absorbed and eventually expelled by the body. (Read Part 1 for more details.)

While physical improvements were expected, what caught me by surprise was the mental improvement.

Before the treatment, not only was I unable to consistently achieve an erection, my sex drive had diminished as well. Many times, I simply wasn’t interested. I attributed this to ageing and, possibly, to a decrease in testosterone.

But once the plumbing had been cleaned out by the Shockwave treatment, I found my interest in sex also had returned. I couldn’t wait to try to test the results of the therapy, again and again.

It seems apparent now that my physical impairment pre-treatment was so discouraging that I’d convinced myself I didn’t want sex anymore. My “little head” had told my big head that he’d only be disappointed and frustrated.

With things now working properly, the “urge to merge” came back with a vengeance.

And it lasted. I’m happy to report that, a month later, I’m just as potent as I was after the 5th treatment session.

Recently I relayed my positive experience with the HE Clinic for Men’s Shockwave therapy to a barstool buddy 10 years my elder who had never heard of it and was stunned to hear the results. “How long will it last?” he asked.

The answer is that it varies. Plaque, the same stuff that clogs arteries and leads to heart attacks and strokes, builds up at different speeds in different people. If your cholesterol is low and doesn’t have a history of the ailments related to plaque, your odds of Shockwave lasting months or even years is good.

But there’s nothing stopping you from going in for a “tune-up” if you find nature clawing its way back. In fact, Dr Chayut says many young men, with no ED problems, come to the HE Clinic for Shockwave therapy as a prophylactic treatment to prevent plague-related ED from ever setting in.


At prices up to a tenth of those in the West, the HE Clinic’s Shockwave therapy is a life-changing no-brainer.

Find out more about this treatment at HE CLINIC

Read an article about LSWT in the Urology Times

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