Tuesday to Friday at 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Saturday at 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)

Shockwave Therapy for ED in Bangkok

Revive your confidence with Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Revive Your Confidence

Reignite your sexual performance and confidence with non-invasive Focused Shockwave Therapy for erectile dysfunction.

Revitalise with our amazing Shockwave Therapy

Linear Shock Wave Therapy – Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bangkok

Meet our Shockwave Therapy at HeClinic Bangkok

  • Do you have problems staying erect or suffer from erectile dysfunction?
  • Do you want to improve your sexual performance but don’t want to use drugs or pills?
  • What if you didn’t need to worry each time you have sexual intercourse whether you were up to the task?

You are not alone. Over 160 million men worldwide have erectile dysfunction (ED) related issues. But, there is a solution for you.

If you are one of the many men with ED, then what you need is LSWT.


What is LSWT?

LSWT stands for Linear Shock Wave Therapy. This is the modern, non-invasive, and pain-free method for treating erectile dysfunction. Shockwave treatment dates back over 60 years but its application in the breaking down of kidney stones was first established in 1971 and the first commercial machines were produced in 1983.

Shockwave machines were effectively tested during the 1990s for the treatment of orthopaedic disorders including osteochondrosis. The treatment was discovered to have minimal side effects and in 2008, early urology trials conducted for erectile dysfunction proved promising. A study of specialists in sexual medicine attending a conference in Europe in 2017 discovered that more than 70% of professionals would recommend Li-ESWT as an ED therapy.

In 2017 a systematic review of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave treatment concludes that: “From our review, it is clear that LI-ESWT may have the potential to be the first-choice noninvasive treatment for patients with ED”

More and more trials indicate that there are beneficial outcomes for ED with shockwave therapy. The use of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (Li-ESWT) as a first-line treatment for ED is now suggested by many erectile dysfunction experts.

The process is simple. It uses low-intensity shockwaves to treat the issues causing erectile dysfunction. The focused energy from the shockwaves helps to get more blood flowing into your organ for improved erection capabilities and performance.

Shockwave Treatment is regarded as the FIRST LINE treatment for ED by the European Association of Urology

shockwave treatment for Erectile dysfunction in Bangkok


Shockwave treatment for Erectile dysfunction in Bangkok

The benefits of Linear Shock Wave Therapy at HE Clinic for Men include:

  • Fast and effective ED treatment
  • Pain-free sessions
  • Non-medication therapy
  • Non-invasive therapy unlike other forms of erectile dysfunction treatments
  • Improvement in blood circulation for longer-lasting results
  • Increase in sexual pleasure
  • Treat Peyronie’s disease
  • Treatment of Peyronie’s disease


Peyronie’s disease (PD) is an often debilitating psychosexual condition characterised by the presence of penile deformity. A curvature that can be mild or severe. Several medical studies have concluded that LISW therapy seems to be a safe and effective non-invasive modality in the treatment of PD and its subsequent complications.

PD affects up to 10% of men. If you think you might be suffering from PD please contact us for a free consultation.

The pain-free, non-invasive ED treatment in Bangkok – Linear Shockwave Therapy Services

During the application of LSWT which is a pain-free method for treating ED, you also do not have to rely on surgery or drugs.

With the right Bangkok urology specialists, you get a targeted treatment that is calibrated for your condition and will improve blood flow in the penile region.

You will need a series of sessions, each performed by our doctors at the HeClinic in Bangkok. You are in safe, well-trained hands and will soon see improvements in your performance and confidence.

Read a personal experience of this treatment on our blog


Shockwave therapy at HE Clinic in Bangkok!

👍 A free consultation is recommended before commencing treatment.

👍 The treatment is painless and each session lasts around 15 minutes.

👍 To get the best results we recommend a course of 5 to 7 sessions, this can be repeated twice in a year for optimal results.

Not sure? Pay as you go at 5,000 THB per session
(normally 5,357 THB per session)
7 Sessions Package NOW 15% OFF! at just 29,750 THB
(only 4,250 THB per session)

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about our shockwave therapy treatments.

Yes, Shockwave Therapy has been proven effective in treating ED for many individuals.

No, it’s a painless procedure.

Side effects are minimal and usually temporary, including mild discomfort or redness at the treatment site.

There is no downtime, and patients can resume normal activities immediately after each session.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Ready to reignite your confidence and performance?

Embark on a journey to revitalise your intimate life with shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction. Don’t let ED hold you back any longer.

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