Tuesday to Friday at 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Saturday at 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)

Privacy Policy

Due to the sensitive nature of this website, we are committed to providing information to those in need of anxiety related help. We also take our user’s privacy and security very seriously. The following is our privacy policy. We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. Please make an effort to read these in their entirety.


Continued use of this website and its products/services implies acknowledgement of the privacy policy, as well as consent to the terms of service.


We collect the minimum amount of information possible on our visitors and members. Any information we collect is designed to provide better service to our users. This data is not identifiable, and commonly collected by all websites. It includes: * Device Information – Such as mobile or PC. * Analytics Data – Such as city location or browser. * Which pages are accessed.

At any time, we may also request data and information from our visitors and users. Providing this information is strictly voluntary. We may request this information through forms, surveys, sign up sheets for our products and services, or other means.

We may also collect data through the use of cookies (see “Cookies” below) to ensure our services work properly.

All information we collect is used to provide better service to our users or to gain a better understanding of how to optimize the website. We do not sell any information to third parties, or use this information for any purposes other than to provide better service. All information is considered confidential within our office, and we make every effort to keep data and information safe, and will not be used for any purpose unless required by law or with the express consent of you, the user.


Data that is transmitted by the user may be saved on website servers. This may include analytics data or willingly shared data (such as filling out a contact form).

Newsletter emails are not stored for more than 1 year.


On occasion, we may use third party applications in order to improve or provide certain services, such as email list collection software, A/B testing software, Google Analytics, and others as needed. Information shared is only used to provide actual service, and we do not sell or otherwise share any personal information for monetary gain.

Third party applications may require the use of cookies, and may collect individual user information without our knowledge. We make every effort to ensure that third party applications have a high reliability rating and data protection, but we are not responsible for lost or leak of data from the third party provider.


As referenced above, some third party and HE Clinic Co LTD, applications may require the use of Cookies to provide accurate services or analyze data. Cookies are not meant to collect personal information. Rather, they are used for processes that include the testing of new pages and software, analysis of website analytics, or to deliver a customized experience to the user.

We do not use any cookies to intentionally collect or sell personal information to third parties.

We use cookies to ensure that certain parts of our services work correctly.

Readers can turn off cookies in their browser at any time in browser settings, though this may break some functionality.


Users may be given opportunities to willingly share information with HE Clinic Co LTD, and its staff members. While we will not sell your information or us it for unlawful purposes, we ask that you do not share or provide any information that you do not want our staff to receive.

All correspondence with HE Clinic Co LTD, is saved on private servers for reference.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us using our contact form.


Your choice to use our website, products, and services are subject to the following Terms of Service, and your continued use of this website implies an agreement with the following terms.

Limitations of Liability

HE Clinics.com is a website about anxiety, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and other mental health disorders. However, HE Clinics.com is not a replacement for professional help, nor does it bear responsibility for the claims made for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, any and all other related liabilities.

By using HE Clinics.com, you agree that we are not liable for any loss, injury, damages, or harm (physically, mentally, spiritually or otherwise) resulting from the information presented by this website and all related websites. You agree that HE Clinic Co LTD, is not responsible for any errors, incorrect information, or claims made by the website, its staff, or any third party contributors, and that your choice to utilize any information presented in any form (text, video, image or otherwise) is solely your own, and that only you are liable for any legal, physical, or mental repercussions.

You agree that in no event will HE Clinic Co LTD, be held liable to you, your family, or anyone connected to you by any action you take on the basis of the information presented on this website or our products and services, or for any incidental, consequential, or similar damages.


This website is provided on an “as is” basis. To the fullest extent as permitted by law, HE Clinic Co LTD, is not to be held responsible for any injury, loss, claim, liability, or damage of any kind that results from any errors or omissions from this website, including, but not limited to: * Factual inaccuracies * Technical accuracies or inaccuracies * Typographical errors * Omissions in information whether intentional or unintentional * All other information presented on HE Clinics.com

HE Clinic Co LTD, does not claim that any of the information on or related to this website is correct, timely, recommended, or accurate. We also reserve the right to make changes to their content at any time, and all liabilities will continue to be waived with any new or improved content.

Not Medical Advice

All information, including medical information, is not considered to be medical advice. There is no doctor/patient relationship, no diagnosis is possible, and the content on HE Clinics.com is not considered a substitute for a trained psychologist or physician. HE Clinic Co LTD,, is also not responsible, implicitly or explicitly, for your choice in anxiety treatments, therapists, treatment centers, doctors, or anyone else in the medical field, and we do not advise that you ignore or otherwise change any treatment recommendations made from a doctor, therapist, or related professional.

This site does not recommend or endorse any treatment, test, opinion, idea, procedure, herb, medicine, therapy style, or other anxiety-related information. HE Clinics.com is not a replacement for a medical opinion, and is not liable for any advice, facts, errors, or other information provided on this website or anything published internally or externally by HE Clinic Co LTD.


HE Clinics.com is not responsible for any content posted on its website by users, or by any websites that link to or share HE Clinics.com content. Information presented on this site, including incoming links, outgoing links, guest posts, and other related content may not represent the beliefs of HE Clinics.com or its staff.


HE Clinic Co LTD, to the best of its ability, will ensure that any and all information shared on HE Clinics.com will not be seen, used, or transferred to anyone without your express permission. HE Clinic Co LTD, will not be share, rent, sell, or otherwise provide publicly or privately any personal information, including personal data and email address, to a third party, except where necessary by law. HE Clinic Co LTD, is not responsible for any private information willingly shared by the user, nor is HE Clinic Co LTD, to be held responsible for breaches in privacy due to hacking or malice.


All content on HE Clinics.com is owned exclusively by HE Clinic Co. LTD, unless otherwise stated. Use of this text on any website, printed materials, or other forms of media must be attributed to HE Clinics.com and may not include any full text, spun text, or attempt to claim text for their own for any purposes. Marketing, posting, or selling of HE Clinics.com information is expressly forbidden. Claiming this text as your own may cause you or your company to be held accountable in a court of law. Downloading or saving this text for educational purposes is acceptable, but dissemination of content for non-educational purposes is expressly forbidden, and for educational purposes must be attributed to HE Clinic Co LTD. If content is to be used, sited, or sourced on other websites, a link to HE Clinics is required.

This site may also use images or videos. Rights to these materials are exclusive to either HE Clinic Co LTD, or copyright owner. Any use of this media must be approved by written communication by  and/or copyright owner.


HE Clinic Co LTD, reserves the right to amend or alter this agreement at any time, with or without notification. Any updates are considered in effect immediately. Any updates to agreement do not supersede your waiving of all legal rights, criminal, civil or otherwise, as to the effects of the information provided by HE Clinic Co LTD

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